Saturday, December 30, 2006

Warning, I moved my Oracle blog - Uyarı, Oracle ağ kütüğümü taşıdım

In 2007 because of some technical reasons I am moving my Oracle Blog to here Please dont forget to add my new blog to your rss reader :)

I will move and consolidate my Oracle related posts indexed here and detailed here in several category series like;

- Oracle Expanded Supplied Packages with 10g Series

- Oracle New Dictionary Enhancements with 10g Series

- Oracle Built-in Functions Series

- Oracle SQL Extentions Series
Like Analytic SQL, SQL Model Clause, Regular Expressions, Hierarchical Queries(Oracle Trees) etc.

- Oracle Database Concepts Series
Like ACID properties, Transaction Management, Concurrency, Read Consistency, Locking Mechanisms, Redo, Undo(Rollback), Latch, Enqueue etc.

- There are more than one NUMBER and Character Native Type Series
Like Other Character Datatypes, Other Numeric Datatypes, LOB Datatypes, RAW and LONG RAW Datatypes, ROWID and UROWID Datatypes, XML Datatypes, and also Data Conversion

- There are more than one TABLE Type Series
Like Partitioned Tables, Nested Tables, Temporary Tables, Object Tables, External Tables, Index Organized Tables(IOT)

- There are more than one INDEX Type Series
Like Unique and Nonunique Indexes, Composite Indexes, Function-Based Indexes, Reverse Key Indexes, Bitmap Indexes, Bitmap Join Indexes, Domain Indexes and also Indexes and Nulls

- Oracle Best Practices Series
Like Backup and Recovery with Recovery Manager, High Availability with Data Guard and Real Application Clusters, Automatic Manageability Features like Automatic Storage Management(ASM) and Automatic Segment Space Management(ASSM)

- Oracle Business Intelligence and Extraction, Transformation, Loading(ETL) Series
Like Materialized Views, Table Compression, Parallel Execution, OLAP Capabilities, Data Mining

- Oracle Content Management Series
Like XML in Oracle, LOBs, Oracle Text, Oracle Ultra Search, Oracle interMedia, Oracle Spatial

- Oracle Security Series
Like User Resource Limits and Profiles, Privileges and Roles, Fine-Grained Access(FGA) Control

- Oracle Information Integration Series
Like Distributed SQL, Oracle Streams, Oracle Transparent Gateways and Generic Connectivity

All these topics mentioned above which I plan to study during 2007 is very easy to get immediately familiar with by reading this chapter and guide;

Oracle® Database Concepts 10g Release 2 (10.2)
Chapter 1 Introduction to the Oracle Database

Also other important series will be;

- Oracle Linux and Shell Scripting Series
- Oracle Express Edition(XE) and Application Express Series

This migration will take some time and for me it will be really a great opportunity to study Oracle deeper. So this was the last warning and ending for this blog domain, waiting to meet you at the new one :)

Here you may follow my non-Oracle blog posts, so you may want to add also to your rss reader

Best regards,

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

10g Release 2 Series; Naming Restore Points, V$RESTORE_POINT

10g Release 2 Series; Naming Restore Points, V$RESTORE_POINT

How To Series; XML Audit Trail

How To Series; XML Audit Trail

Some RAC Advantages and Disadvantages

Some RAC Advantages and Disadvantages

How To Series; Find valid values for each parameter taking scalar values, V$PARAMETER_VALID_VALUES

How To Series; Find valid values for each parameter taking scalar values, V$PARAMETER_VALID_VALUES

Oracle Recovery Diagram

Oracle Recovery Diagram

SQL*Plus XQUERY in Oracle 10.2 and above

SQL*Plus XQUERY in Oracle 10.2 and above

How To Series; Database/Instance Level Trace, new procedures in DBMS_MONITOR package

How To Series; Database/Instance Level Trace, new procedures in DBMS_MONITOR package

How To Series; 10g PL/SQL Conditional Compilation

How To Series; 10g PL/SQL Conditional Compilation

Comparison Between 10.1 and 10.2

Comparison Between 10.1 and 10.2

How To Series; ASM(Automatic Storage Management) FTP Support

How To Series; ASM(Automatic Storage Management) FTP Support

How To Series; CLUVFY, utility that verifies configuration of cluster at Oracle Clusterware

How To Series; CLUVFY, utility that verifies configuration of cluster at Oracle Clusterware

How To Series; A phased approach to securing your database

How To Series; A phased approach to securing your database

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

How To Series; Example of Mutating Trigger Fix With Autonomous Transaction

How To Series; Example of Mutating Trigger Fix With Autonomous Transaction

Demo for statement level trigger versus row level trigger

Demo for statement level trigger versus row level trigger

How To Series; to write messages to trace files and alert log, DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT

How To Series; to write messages to trace files and alert log, DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT

How To Series; Convert decimal numbers to and from hexadecimal

How To Series; Convert decimal numbers to and from hexadecimal

How To Series; Flushing the Shared Pool and the Buffer Cache for testing in order to prevent caching affect

How To Series; Flushing the Shared Pool and the Buffer Cache for testing in order to prevent caching affect

10g Series; Getting Optimizer Environment Variables From Views

10g Series; Getting Optimizer Environment Variables From Views

10g Series; DBMS_XPLAN new DISPLAY_CURSOR function

10g Series; DBMS_XPLAN new DISPLAY_CURSOR function

How To Series; To dump all Oracle event messages

How To Series; To dump all Oracle event messages

10g Series; Expanded Supplied Packages

10g Series; Expanded Supplied Packages

10g Series; Alternative Quoting Mechanism for String Literals

10g Series; Alternative Quoting Mechanism for String Literals

How To Series; Regular Expressions for pattern matching with PL/SQL

How To Series; Regular Expressions for pattern matching with PL/SQL

What are the differences between LONG and LOB

What are the differences between LONG and LOB

How To Series; Handle Large Objects, Dbms_Lob Sample

How To Series; Handle Large Objects, Dbms_Lob Sample

How To Series; Pass Different Datatypes Through one Output Parameter, sys.anydata example

How To Series; Pass Different Datatypes Through one Output Parameter, sys.anydata example

How To Series; Pass Status from PL/SQL Script to Calling Shell Script

How To Series; Pass Status from PL/SQL Script to Calling Shell Script

Thursday, August 31, 2006

How To Series; Creating and Updating Duplicate Databases with RMAN

How To Series; Creating and Updating Duplicate Databases with RMAN

ApEx Series; How to Authenticate and use OID Groups in ApEx Using LDAP Server

ApEx Series; How to Authenticate and use OID Groups in ApEx Using LDAP Server

How To Series; A Method That Guarantees Integrity, the Beauty of Table Encapsulation

How To Series; A Method That Guarantees Integrity, the Beauty of Table Encapsulation

ApEx Series; what port the HTTP server is listening on

ApEx Series; what port the HTTP server is listening on

How To Series; The PL/SQL Code Profiler, the DBMS_PROFILER package

How To Series; The PL/SQL Code Profiler, the DBMS_PROFILER package

How To Series; Number To Words Conversion Function

How To Series; Number To Words Conversion Function)

ApEx Series; How to retrieve Windows IP address(JavaScript)

ApEx Series; How to retrieve Windows IP address(JavaScript)

ApEx Series; AJAX and DHTML with ApEx

ApEx Series; AJAX and DHTML with ApEx

ApEx Series; security API

ApEx Series; security API

How To Series; upper(’i') => ‘İ’, ‘NLS_SORT = XTURKISH’

How To Series; upper(’i') => ‘İ’, ‘NLS_SORT = XTURKISH’

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

How to Series; Trigger Code That Will Insert Seq.NextVal Into A Table After Insert

How to Series; Trigger Code That Will Insert Seq.NextVal Into A Table After Insert

How to Series; Retrieve the Source Code of a Trigger

How to Series; Retrieve the Source Code of a Trigger

How to Series; Retrieve the sid,serial#,username for the current session

How to Series; Retrieve the sid,serial#,username for the current session

How to Series; Determine whether Table Compression Is Enabled

How to Series; Determine whether Table Compression Is Enabled

How to Series; Get the Number of Days Between Two Dates Excluding Holidays

How to Series; Get the Number of Days Between Two Dates Excluding Holidays

How to Series; Use Linefeed or Carriage Return

How to Series; Use Linefeed or Carriage Return

Oracle SQL*NET Performance Tuning

Oracle SQL*NET Performance Tuning

Unique index with null values

Unique index with null values

Difference Between UNION and UNION ALL

Difference Between UNION and UNION ALL

ApEx Series; Top Browsers and Operating Systems

ApEx Series; Top Browsers and Operating Systems

Saturday, August 26, 2006

How To Series; Remove the Default Value from a Column

How To Series; Remove the Default Value from a Column

How To Series; find Time (Hours,Mins,Secs) between 2 Dates

How To Series; find Time (Hours,Mins,Secs) between 2 Dates

How To Series; Another Way of obtaining Last Rows Of A Table Without PL/SQL

How To Series; Another Way of obtaining Last Rows Of A Table Without PL/SQL

How To Series; give datatype to columns with create table as select

How To Series; give datatype to columns with create table as select

How To Series; create a non-standard block size tablespace

How To Series; create a non-standard block size tablespace

How To Series; check that oracle application server is running

How To Series; check that oracle application server is running

10g Series; Exexute an external UNIX Shell Scripts on XE with DBMS_SCHEDULER

10g Series; Exexute an external UNIX Shell Scripts on XE with DBMS_SCHEDULER

10g Series; Pivoting with Model Clause

10g Series; Pivoting with Model Clause

How To Series; generate 7 digit random number

How To Series; generate 7 digit random number

How To Series; find palidromes

How To Series; find palidromes

How To Series; find values of the bind variables used

How To Series; find values of the bind variables used

How To Series; calculate the number of words in a column

How To Series; calculate the number of words in a column

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Execution Mode Options for PL/SQL, Definer or Invoker Rights

Execution Mode Options for PL/SQL, Definer or Invoker Rights


How To Series; View the contents of the STANDARD package

How To Series; View the contents of the STANDARD package(and others also)

How To Series; CLose DbLinks Sample Code PROCEDURE close_links

How To Series; CLose DbLinks Sample Code PROCEDURE close_links

How To Series; Get current database uptime and startup time

How To Series; Get current database uptime and startup time

How To Series; Generate a random date within the year

How To Series; Generate a random date within the year

10g Series; OS Statistics

10g Series; OS Statistics



How To Series; Measure nano seconds

How To Series; Measure nano seconds

How To Series; Calculate time difference in nano seconds, Get_Precise_Time package sample

How To Series; Get IP address, Language, Database name, Client, OS USER, SYS_CONTEXT example

How To Series; Get IP address, Language, Database name, Client, OS USER, SYS_CONTEXT example

Summary table management with Oracle, The Secrets of Materialized Views

Summary table management with Oracle, The Secrets of Materialized Views

How To Series; Get database version, DBMS_DB_VERSION

How To Series; Get database version, DBMS_DB_VERSION

Saturday, August 19, 2006

10g Series; Oracle Names is not supported anymore

10g Series; Oracle Names is not supported anymore

How To Series; Oracle AQ(Advanced Queue) Propagation Example

How To Series; Oracle AQ(Advanced Queue) Propagation Example

How To Series; Get the Date/Time when a table was last updated

How To Series; Get the Date/Time when a table was last updated

How To Series; Organization chart demo with Oracle trees

How To Series; Organization chart demo with Oracle trees

How To Series; Sampling a table's data

How To Series; Sampling a table's data

10g Series; List of New Background Processes

10g Series; List of New Background Processes

Differences Between Oracle on NT and Unix

Differences Between Oracle on NT and Unix

How To Series; List of optimizer parameters, 10053 event example

How To Series; List of optimizer parameters, 10053 event example

10g Series; Automatic statistics are populated during index creation or rebuild

10g Series; Automatic statistics are populated during index creation or rebuild

Unix Series; Processing trace on the fly using pipes

Unix Series; Processing trace on the fly using pipes

9i Series; Native XMLType and XMLDB Sample

9i Series; Native XMLType and XMLDB Sample

How To Series; List of the internal event codes

How To Series; List of the internal event codes

How To Series; Syntax guidelines for setting events

How To Series; Syntax guidelines for setting events

Unix Series;, find top os cpu and memory consumers sample shell script

Unix Series;, find top os cpu and memory consumers sample shell script

10g Series; ASH(Active Session History) Samples

10g Series; ASH(Active Session History) Samples

What is SQL*Plus Arraysize?

What is SQL*Plus Arraysize?

How To Series; Web services with PL/SQL

How To Series; Web services with PL/SQL

How To Series; PL/SQL can participate in a Service Oriented Architecture

What is Oracle Call Interface(OCI)?

What is Oracle Call Interface(OCI)?

How To Series; Find the hidden parameters

How To Series; Find the hidden parameters

10g Series; Wait Event Enhancements

10g Series; Wait Event Enhancements enqueue, latch free

How To Series; Get the size of a column, Vsize function

How To Series; Get the size of a column, Vsize function

How To Series; Restrict access to database for IP adresses or Sql*plus

How To Series; Restrict access to database for IP adresses or Sql*plus

10g Series; Use STATISTICS_LEVEL parametr for MONITORING option

10g Series; Use STATISTICS_LEVEL parametr for MONITORING option

Object orientation in PL/SQL

Object orientation in PL/SQL, part 1

Object orientation in PL/SQL, part 2

object table versus relational table

Bulk operations in PL/SQL, consists three parts

Bulk operations in PL/SQL, consists three parts

Importance of bind variable usage, 10046 Trace Analysis Sample

Importance of bind variable usage, 10046 Trace Analysis Sample

Friday, August 18, 2006

How To Series; UTL_INADDR, find ip and machine name in PL/SQL

How To Series; UTL_INADDR, find ip and machine name in PL/SQL

Table compression tests

Part 1

Part 2



Unix Series; Finding ORACLE_HOME value

Unix Series; Finding ORACLE_HOME value

9i Series; Pipelined Table Function Example

9i Series; Pipelined Table Function Example

9i Series; Record based Update Example

9i Series; Record based Update Example

Default user and passwords, needs attention for security

Default user and passwords, needs attention for security

DBMS_METADATA, a simple metada backup example

DBMS_METADATA, a simple metada backup example

SYS_GUID, generates and returns a globally unique identifier

SYS_GUID, generates and returns a globally unique identifier (RAW value) made up of 16 bytes

Soundex, a function to match the sounds(Phonetic Representation)

Soundex, a function to match the sounds (Returns Character String Constaining The Phonetic Representation Of Another String)

10g Release 2 Series; 9iR2 Number versus 10gR2 Binary_double

>10g Release 2 Series; 9iR2 Number versus 10gR2 Binary_double



10g Release 2 Series; DBMS_ERRLOG

10g Release 2 Series; DBMS_ERRLOG

Char data type, comparison sample

Char data type, comparison sample

Blank-Padded and Nonpadded Comparison Semantics

10g Series; drop database, carefull not a joke

10g Series; drop database, carefull not a joke

10g Series; alter system flush buffer_cache, good for testing

10g Series; alter system flush buffer_cache, good for testing

Unix Series; Mknod for fast data transfer, sample sheel script

Unix Series; Mknod for fast data transfer, sample sheel script

Unix Series; 32-bit or 64-bit Oracle?

Unix Series; 32-bit or 64-bit Oracle?

Jdbc Series; Jdbc performance on Oracle

Part 1-AutoCommit Affect Sample

Part 2-Batching Affect Sample

Part 3-Prepared Statement and Binding Affect Sample

Part 4-And the others

History of Oracle

History of Oracle

10g Series; EZCONNECT, Easy Connect String

10g Series; EZCONNECT, Easy Connect String



10g Series; UTL_COMPRESS, zip in database

10g Series; UTL_COMPRESS, zip in database

10g Series; Compile-Time Warnings

10g Series; Compile-Time Warnings

10g Series; PL/SQL Native Compilation, much more easy

10g Series; PL/SQL Native Compilation, much more easy

Transactions and Oracle

Transaction Management at Oracle

Sample Alert.log analysis with external tables and analytic functions

Sample Alert.log analysis with external tables and analytic functions

The Storage Hierarchy in an Oracle Database

The Storage Hierarchy in an Oracle Database

10g Series; Lock holding session identification

10g Series; Lock holding session identification

10g Series; New SQL*Plus features

10g Series; New SQL*Plus features

10g Series; Changes on Autotrace and Dual table

10g Series; Changes on Autotrace and Dual table

10g Series; guess table size, analysing the growth trend of a segment and Online segment shrink

10g Series; guess table size; dbms_space.create_table_cost, analysing the growth trend of a segment; dbms_space.OBJECT_GROWTH_TREND and Online segment shrink; alter table shrink space compact

10g Series; Flashback Table and Recyclebin

10g Series; Flashback Table and Recyclebin

10g Release 2 Series; Renaming a tablespace

10g Release 2 Series; Renaming a tablespace

10g Release 2 Series; Transparent Data Encryption

10g Release 2 Series; Transparent Data Encryption

10g Series; References

10g Series; References

10g Series; views for usage pattern of the database

10g Series; views for usage pattern of the database

10g Series; Flashback Versions Query, “Get a Movie, Not a Picture”

10g Series; Flashback Versions Query, “Get a Movie, Not a Picture”

10g Release 2 Series; dbms_monitor.session_trace_enable

10g Release 2 Series; dbms_monitor.session_trace_enable

10g Release 2 Series; Asynchronous COMMIT

10g Release 2 Series; Asynchronous COMMIT

Another interesting Dba View; V$FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA_USAGE

Another interesting Dba View; V$FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA_USAGE


10g Release 2 Series; Unlimited DBMS Output

10g Release 2 Series; Unlimited DBMS Output

10g Release 2 Series; Unlimited DBMS Output

Comments on Oracle certification

Comments on Oracle certification

also the very known Tom Kyte is not an OCP :)

Opening Note;

The moral of the story..


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